Trusted by over 500,000 collectors in over 15,000 Discords

Secure Discords for Onchain Communities

Secure Discords for Onchain Communities

All the tools you need to run a token-gated community in one, secure, FREE product.

Start Verification

Cross Chain Support

Vulcan supports all major NFT blockchains.


The safest, simplest token verification

Vulcan is unquestionably the safest way of verifying your holders. Your holders will not be sent DMs, and thanks to our deep integration with PREMINT, most of the time your holders can be verified instantly.

  • Instant verification via PREMINT.


Create subcommunities with trait-based roles

Make even large communities feel intimate by connecting like minded people in small groups. Create subgroups of your token holders based on collection traits.

  • Create roles based on traits.
  • Give users a way to self-select roles.


Understand your verified members

Finally, see a list of who's verified themselves in your server. You can see what tokens they have, what activity they've done on Vulcan, and a lot more. This is in beta, but this will grow to be an indispensable resource for your team.

  • See what assets your members used to verify.
  • See profiles for each Discord member's activity.


Stop bots from joining your server

Easily protect your server from bots with built in CAPTCHA feature. Once enabled, new members will be asked to solve a captcha to access the server.

  • Stop bots from flooding your server.
  • Show users a CAPTCHA before granting access.


Auto-post sales directly into Discord

Vulcan makes it easy for you or your holders to post relevant content directly in stream.

  • Post all new sales of your collection.
  • Post sales into collection-specific channels.


A web3-connected support tool that lets holders help themselves

Vulcan’s Support tool is the best ticketing tool that exists for Discord. Set up categories and autoresponders to make sure community members provide all necessary info before your team gets involved. Save all activity to look back on later.

  • Autoresponders to make sure users provide all necessary info.
  • Save all history into your holder dashboard.


Welcome new members with a custom onboarding flow

Vulcan's Onboarding tool lets you customize the experience for new members, giving them custom information before and after the verification process.

  • Present information before or after verification.
  • Educate your members on the way in.


Let the community check floor prices directly in your Discord

Set up commands for your community to check your collection floors, without having to leave your server.

  • Set up keywords for different collections.
  • Define what channels the floor bot is valid in.


Make it easy for the community to share your art

Set up commands for your community to use to post your art. Vulcan will post images from the collection directly into the conversation

  • Set up keywords for different collections.
  • Define what channels the artbot is valid in.
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